Microsoft will allow cross platform play with PS4 and PC players

Microsoft is announcing big news for Xbox owners today: cross-platform play. It’s something the software giant has hinted at for years, and now it seems the reality of PS4, Xbox One, and PC players playing the same game together might finally happen. Developers building games for Xbox One and Windows 10 will be able to support the feature, but it will require Sony and others to “participate” in order for games to be played across Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Rocket League will be one of the first titles to support the new cross-platform play. Microsoft says there is an “open invitation for other networks to participate as well,” hinting that it is up to Sony if they want to allow PS4 players the ability to play against/with the Xbox One and PC friends.




My Take:

This is awesome, but not without a few caveats. For the most part PS4 players and Xbox One players will be on equal footing when it comes to competing against one another. However, there are some genres where a mouse/keyboard combination will have distinct advantages over the controller. Still awesome though. 

Written by: Aaron Walters

Aaron grew up with a controller in his hand. He got hooked on the SNES and hasn't looked back since. Twitch

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