I get it spring has freshly sprung, love is in the air, and there is music everywhere, but COME ON! Does everything have to release right on top of each other? Two of the biggest looter shooters, with a similar player base, are getting big updates on the exact same day! Releasing on this day are Dark Souls 3 and Ratchet and Clank. And I can’t forget to mention Fallout 4 Pokemon DLC, even though we just got a big DLC 2 weeks ago.
I love video games and am happy that everyone is finally providing updates, new content, and new releases. However, I also have a life, a job, and a family. I have some tough decisions to make on what is getting the priority treatment and what will just have to wait till I am done finally getting all High-Ends for my Division Agent 🙂
On Tuesday April 12th, this is what is happening:
- Destiny April Update: The one that is finally bringing some new content
- Division Falcon Lost Update: Brings Incursions, new gear, and lots of changes
- Fallout 4 Wasteland Workshop: Basically Pokemon in the wasteland
- Dark Souls 3 Launches in North America
- Ratchet and Clank Launches
- Probably Something Else I am missing
Also coming in April:
Halo 5 Warzone Firefight Beta (April 14th-18th)
Doom Open Beta (April 15th-17th)
Star Fox Zero (April 21st)
Rocket League Hoops Update (Late-April)
And more…..
Someone please check on me April 13th. Not sure if I will survive this one.
Update: April 14th
I survived the 12th, but I only got in Destiny and The Division. Hopefully playing Halo 5 Firefight Beta soon though!