My name is Logan. I am primarily a PC gamer who is focused on having the best hardware to serve my needs. I have a gaming rig that I built myself and I use it to run things like modded Skyrim, or Battlefield 4 with maximum graphics. I’m also a sucker for Nintendo games, especially on the Nintendo 64. I end up playing titles such as The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of time, and Super Mario 64 at least once a year and gain the same nostalgic experience every time. My favorite competitive games would have to be the whole Super Smash Bros. Series, Left 4 Dead, Shootmania Storm, and Battlefield 4.
Top 5 favorite game series/games
Legend of Zelda series – Ocarina of time
Super smash brothers – Original n64
Minecraft – PC
Phoenix Wright – Full series
Elder Scrolls – Oblivion
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